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Chemiepark Rheinmünster Safety Video


Safety first!

For a chemical company like Trinseo, safety is a top priority. This applies not only to the products, but also to all plants and production facilities. To protect them just as much as the safety trained permanent employees, visitors to the Rheinmünster Chemical Park are also instructed in the most important rules and guidelines. In order to make this process both educational and playful, we have created an animated video for the Rheinmünster Chemical Park that conveys the most important safety instructions.

Character Design
Explanatory Video

The challenge in animation is to find simple images with great meaning

Eustachio, Motion Graphic Designer at Orange Hive

Charming and educating

With a mixture of engaging illustrations and minimalist explanations, we have created a way to playfully communicate the numerous necessary safety precautions.


Important guidelines are represented by a familiar signage look and supported by simple but clever animations. Essential scenarios, such as how to behave in an emergency, can be perceived by means of the character design and are easily memorized by the viewer.


In this way, our video contributes to a safe orientation in case of an emergency at the Rheinmünster Chemical Park.

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