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Digital Brand Strategy

Standard Life

Two targets, one platform

Standard Life want all of their customers to come closer to their financial wishes. But that is not the only aim of the Scottish investment house. In addition to investors, savers and peoples searching for insurances, Standard Life is always trying to attract to new brokers, too, as they sell the financial and insurance products to end customers. So, when Standard Life approached us with the task of creating a website, we had a clear goal: to create a platform that would meet the needs of both target groups at the same time.

Standard Life
Web Development
Database Design
UX Development
Creative Concept
User Interface Design (UI)
User Experience De

Automated data matching, versatile functionalities and newly developed tools - the Standard Life website has required various disciplines that need to be well planned.

Stefan, Developer at Orange Hive

Great UX enables trust

Many people hesitate to invest their money in the stock market. This made it even more important to make the new Standard Life website particularly clear and comprehensible. All solutions and products were integrated in a way that was easy to understand. Clever search elements, calculators and customizable filters create trust and reliability.

Consent to cookies and services

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies. A distinction is made between technically necessary cookies for providing the website and optional cookies, e.g. for evaluating website usage. In order to be able to use optional cookies, we need your consent, which you can revoke at any time in the cookie settings.

If you are under 16 years of age and wish to give your consent to optional services, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission. Please note our privacy policy and our legal notice.